State-Level Resources

Resource Guides & Letters

March 10, 2025 -

MHPA Submits Testimony Before Idaho Senate Committee

In testimony submitted to the Idaho Senate Health and Welfare Committee, MHPA detailed the value of Medicaid managed care and its importance in the nation’s public health safety net. MHPA’s Director of State Affairs Stephanie Myers emphasized that “Understanding the value that managed care can bring to the state of Idaho, MHPA supports the provision in HB 345 that would move Idaho to comprehensive Medicaid managed care.”


April 24, 2023 -

New MHPA Resources on Redetermination, State Best Practices Now Available

After a three-year period in which Medicaid beneficiaries were not disenrolled, states must resume the process of redetermining eligibility. MHPA and our Medicaid managed care organizations (MCOs) are partnering with states to ensure that eligible individuals maintain Medicaid coverage, and those who no longer qualify for Medicaid have access to other coverage in the Marketplace. Our new educational videos and fact sheets take a deep dive into the unwinding process and provide strategies to help states navigate a smooth transition.


February 10, 2023 -

Resuming Medicaid Eligibility Redeterminations While Minimizing Coverage Disruptions

As a result of recent congressional action, tens of millions of Americans currently enrolled in the Medicaid program will go through the process of “redetermination” to assess whether they are still eligible for Medicaid or if they must transition into another form of coverage (e.g., Marketplace, employer-sponsored health coverage) for the first time since March 2020. As state Medicaid agencies prepare for the process of redetermination, it is important that they consider their MCOs as partners and resources for ensuring a thoughtful and deliberate approach that avoids unnecessary coverage losses.