MHPA Webinar: The Critical Role of Meals in a Health Emergency: Lessons Learned from the COVID-19 Pandemic

Webinar Date: November 4, at 1:00pm EST

Members are calling because they need food, not because they need a provider appointment or a medication.”  The COVID-19 crisis highlighted an acute need of many health plan members: Food. This need was heightened by the pandemic due to closure of community meal sites, strains on food banks and pantries, and risks related to grocery store visits for some members. A rapid food response by health plans depended on two key factors: policy flexibility from Federal and State programs and an existing and robust home-delivered meals program or benefit at the health plan. Regarding policy, this session will discuss flexibilities for Medicaid plans and their ability to provide and pay for meals for members in an emergency. Regarding health plan preparedness, this session will highlight the importance of an operational meals program that can be scaled up to serve more members quickly.  Hear accounts of how health plans innovated in the face of an emergency through member outreach and assistance. Also hear how an ongoing partnership between health plans and meal providers can ensure that providers have the support and resources needed to establish a strong foundation, upon which to increase capacity in an emergency.   

Learning Objectives –  

  1. Emergencies and Food Insecurity – Attendees will learn how emergency mitigation measures, such as stay-in-place orders and social distancing, can reduce food security among vulnerable populations.  
  2. Home-Delivered Meals as Emergency Benefit – Speaker will share examples of how Medicaid plans can leverage policy flexibility during public health emergencies to fund and implement a home-delivered meals benefit, proactively supporting the health and well-being of their members. Speaker will share information about a successful program.
  3. What to Look for in a Meals Provider – Using real-world examples, attendees will gain a better understanding of how readily a potential meals provider can meet urgent demand and achieve network adequacy during a public health crisis such a pandemic.  

Presenters  –

Catherine Macpherson, MS, RDN (moderator)
Vice President of Product Strategy & Development, Chief Nutrition Officer
Mom’s Meals

Holly Spinks, BSN, RN, CCM, ACC, CNC 
Senior Director of Strategic Accounts 
Mom’s Meals

Lauren Nix, RN, BSN 
Population Health Community Liaison   
United Healthcare Community Plan Louisiana