The Hill
The Partnership for Medicaid Sends Letter to Senate Leadership Advocating for Medicaid Provisions in any Future COVID Package
As one of the 15 members of the Partnership for Medicaid, MHPA joined in a letter sent to Sens. Mitch McConnell and Chuck Schumer urging Congress to build upon existing…
Read MoreMHPA Sends Letter to Senate Leadership Urging for an FMAP Increase and Additional Measures to Help Ease Challenges during COVID Pandemic
Today, MHPA sent a letter to Majority Leader McConnell and Leader Schumer encouraging support of several Medicaid policy proposals — including an FMAP increase — to address the severe health…
Read MoreMHPA Joins 100+ Organizations in Sending a Letter to Congressional Leadership Asking for Support of an Enhanced FMAP and Rescinding MFAR
MHPA joined with more than 100 organizations in sending a letter to Congressional leadership advocating on behalf of states, territories, counties, cities and towns in support of an enhanced federal…
Read MoreMHPA Joins MIND Act Support Letter Sent to Congressional Leadership
MHPA was among one of the 85 groups which sent a letter to House and Senate leaders recognizing the positive recent actions taken by Congress and the Administration to address…
Read MoreLegislative Proposals to Address COVID-19 Impact on Long-term Services and Supports
MHPA joined with a coalition of long-term services and supports (LTSS) stakeholders in writing to Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell on behalf of the National MLTSS Health Plan Association asking…
Read MoreMHPA Joins Health Care Coalition Letter on FMAP
MHPA joins with 19 other health care organizations representing consumers, providers, and other stakeholders to call on Congress for an additional Medicaid FMAP increase.Read the full letter
Read MoreMHPA Applauds the House for Prioritizing Medicaid in ‘Phase 4’ COVID-19 Legislation
MHPA released the following statement late Friday night in response to the House of Representatives’ passing legislation (H.R. 6800), which includes several MHPA priorities for the next round of coronavirus…
Read MoreLetter on CARES Act Funding and Medicaid Providers Sent to HHS Secretary
MHPA sent a letter to Secretary Azar offering recommendations and to encourage taking action to ensure access to care today and in the future for the vulnerable Medicaid and Dually…
Read MoreLetter to HHS Secretary, Medicaid Directors on Supporting Critical Medicaid Providers
MHPA joins with seven other organizations in writing HSS Secretary Azar to urge for the urgency of expeditiously delivery federal financial relief to Medicaid providers and to offer ongoing assistance…
Read MoreMHPA ‘Phase 4’ Letter Sent to Congressional Leadership
MHPA sent its latest request to Congressional leadership for COVID-19 ‘Phase 4’ legislation. This letter also links to MHPA’s April 1st letter which includes our longer, more detailed list of…
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